From Principal Desk

Schooling is our first contact with the world, a period of joy, learning new things, adjustment, sharing and developing healthy competitive spirit. I believe that it is not the building, classrooms, laboratories or fields make a school; it’s the heart of the students, faith of parents and society that’s where a true institution exists.

Nowadays we have been witnessing that youngsters of this generation are more prone to be violent and of deviant behaviour. This deteriorating trend is a matter of great concern not only for the parents but for the teachers also.

Dear students, remember that the people of fine character live by their own values. They are honest, truthful in their thoughts, work and deed and are self-disciplined. Character creates self-respect which in leads to high esteem.

It reflects in all decisions we make, the friends we choose and the responsibilities we accept. Always remeber to uphold the dignity of people. Be always ready to accept every challenge in life. Have something to live for. Bring out the best in you. You are God’s beautiful gift and what you become is your gift to God.

Stay blessed ever!

Mrs. Nirmala Neetu