We believe in the propagation of the all-round development of a child. With our vast sprawling green grounds, the students get an exposure to play to their optimal limits for the physical exercise which is a must as "Sound mind dwells in a Sound body".
The school owns a lovely green carpeted cricket field, a foot-ball ground, basketball court, Skating Court and a volleyball court.
Different team activities and provision of training in various indoor games like Chess,Carrom & Ludo provides ample chance to the students to enjoy the intricacies of games.
Various track and fields activities motivate the students to remain energised and give their best.
T.T Court
The two table tennis tables in the T.T Court give ample chance to the players to juggle the T.T ball and learn the intricacies of the game.
Football Ground
The white ball of Soccer takes a smooth ride on the green carpet of the ground and here the students are trained in the kick and head of the game of football
Basketball court
The two basketball courts adorn the games field of the school. The strong iron poles on both the sides tempt the students to aim their goals and hence they learn precision.
Cricket Pitch
Cricket being the first love of Indians the school hosts a 65 yards pitch for a sound exposure of students to this international game. It also caters to the concept of net practice therefore two net practice pitches find a place in the arena.
Playground for tiny toddlers
To foster the need of growing up beyond classrooms, the vast sprawling green fields of Delhi Public School provide a happy sojourn for the toddlers.
Equipped with the slides and swings, snakes and ladders on the floor, a merry-go-round to supplement to the other playgrounds, this green field for the toddlers is a place that resounds with laughter and giggles and innocent shouts.
Volleyball courts
Skating Court
Tennis court
Indoor games